` Yoggram - Naturopathy Treatment Center
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Online Registration
Phone Number:- +91 8954666222, 8954890120
Email:- yoggram@patanjaliyoggram.com; onlineyoggram@divyayoga.com
Accommodation Charges for 1 or 2 persons / Day Doctor Consultation Fees / Person/1-time Facilities
Rajrishi Cottage Room Charges - 3,500/- + treatment, therapies and medicated diet charges - 6,500/- 300/- Jhoola-1, Double-Bed, Bed Room, Drawing Room-1, Sofaset-1, AC-2, Almirah-1, ceiling fan, Dining Table With 4 Small Stools-1, Attached Western Toilet, Geyser, Bath Towel, Electric Kettle
Muniraj Cottage Room Charges - 3,000/- + treatment, therapies and medicated diet charges - 6,000/- 300/- Bed Room, Double-Bed, Drawing Room-1, Sofaset-1, AC-2, Almirah-1, Ceiling fan, Dining Table with 4-Small Stools, Attached Western Toilet, Geyser, Bath Towel, Electric Kettle
NOTE:- 1. The treatment center facilities are different for health seekers living in Rajrishi and Muniraj.
             2. राजऋषि व मुनिराज में रहने वाले स्वास्थ्य साधकों के लिए उपचार केंद्र की सुविधा अलग होती है।
Maharishi Cottage FOR 2-PERSONS

Room Charges - 2,000/- + treatment, therapies and medicated diet charges - 5,000/-


Room Charges - 2,000/- + treatment, therapies and medicated diet charges - 3,000/-
300/- Double-Bed, Sofaset-1, AC- 1, Almirah-1, Chair-1, ceiling Fan, Attached Western Toilet, Geyser, Bath Towel, Electric Kettle
Tapasvi Cottage Room Charges - 1,500/- + treatment, therapies and medicated diet charges - 4,500/- 300/- Double-Bed, Almirah-1, Roof Fan, Cooler, Attached Western Toilet, Geyser, Bath Towel, Electric Kettle
Nisarg Cottage Room Charges - 1,500/- + treatment, therapies and medicated diet charges - 4,500/- 300/- Double-Bed, Almirah-1, AC-1, 2-Chairs, 1-Table, Attached Western Toilet, Geyser, Bath Towel, Electric Kettle
Minimum 7 - days booking should be there
Services included are:-  Accommodation, All Meals / All types of therapy selected by the doctor have been included
NOTE:- 1. Treatment Kit charges, Blood Test charges, & Medicine charges extra payable as per doctor's prescription.
             2. Colon, Vibro Massage, RHM, Ozone, Liver & Gall-Bladder Cleansing, Coffee Anaema, Papaya Face Pack, Kesh Kanti Lep charge extra
                 payable as per doctor's prescription.
Room charges has been changed in YOGGRAM, this increased charge will be applicable from 1st April' 2025.