` Yoggram - Naturopathy Treatment Center
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Online Registration

Yog-Naturopathy-Panchkarma Treatment & Research Centre

  • As per Yoggram Policy, the discount will be applied on current-bookings not on previous one.
  • It is mandatory for Health Seekers coming to Yoggram to process the registration before coming here. Your booking will be decided only after depositing your booking amount.

I'd like to thank you for the trust and support you have in us and we look forward to welcoming

1. Please get yourself registered in advance at Yog Gram to help us serve you better.

2. For advance registration you have to send your particulars like- Name, Age, Sex, Diseases, History of Disease (Latest Pathology, Radiology and Cardiology Reports), Complete Address, Contact No. and Email Id through - fill and submit online application form on our website.

3. Tuberculosis (TB), Schizophrenia, Cancer, Renal Failure, Leprosy and AIDS will be treated in Yoggram as per doctor consultation on arrival.

4. Make sure that you are going to deposit amount after getting permission from our doctor by email.

5. Registration Procedure-

i. The period of stay for treatment shall be for minimum 7 days and maximum 50 days.

ii. Health seekers can book their accommodation for more than 7 days and they have to deposit amount for complete desired period. No money, in any form, will be refunded/ adjusted to a health seeker leaving the treatment before completion of booked period.

6. The following steps outline the process of submitting an Online Registration Form:- (You may check availability online booking/userlogin/online patient registration)


Fill Online Application Form => Submit.


After getting your Username & Password (sent to you via E-Mail) visit Online Booking Portal again processed with Patient Login and update your profile.
(Health seeker with critical diseases like Cardiac, Kidney, Liver diseases and cancer etc must upload their latest relevant medical reports.)


Wait for Treatment approval, approval message with Username & Password will sent to you via SMS or E-Mail within 24 Hours.


After getting your Treatment approval again processed with Patient Login and Choose accommodation for each health seeker Individual or sharing basis with according to availability.


After choose accommodation, processed for payment option:-


Step-6 (I)

Do Online Payment.

Step-6 (II)

After successfully payment, you will get booking confirmation via e-mail within few minutes.

7. Description of Charges Of Accommodation & Facilities in Yog Gram

Phone Number:- +91 8954666222
Email:- yoggram@patanjaliyoggram.com; onlineyoggram@divyayoga.com
Accommodation Charges for 1 or 2 persons / Day Registration Fees / Person/1-time Facilities
Rajrishi Cottage Room Charges - 3,500/- + treatment, therapies and medicated diet charges - 6,500/- 300/- Jhoola-1, Double-Bed, Bed Room, Drawing Room-1, Sofaset-1, AC-2, Almirah-1, ceiling fan, Dining Table With 4 Small Stools-1, Attached Western Toilet, Geyser, Bath Towel, Electric Kettle, Umbrella-2, Reading Books - 11 (only for reading).
Muniraj Cottage Room Charges - 3,000/- + treatment, therapies and medicated diet charges - 6,000/- 300/- Bed Room, Double-Bed, Drawing Room-1, Sofaset-1, AC-2, Almirah-1, Ceiling fan, Dining Table with 4-Small Stools, Attached Western Toilet, Geyser, Bath Towel, Electric Kettle, Umbrella-2, Reading Books - 11 (only for reading).
NOTE:- 1. The treatment center facilities are different for health seekers living in Rajrishi and Muniraj.
             2. राजऋषि व मुनिराज में रहने वाले स्वास्थ्य साधकों के लिए उपचार केंद्र की सुविधा अलग होती है।
Maharishi Cottage FOR 2-PERSONS

Room Charges - 2,000/- + treatment, therapies and medicated diet charges - 5,000/-


Room Charges - 2,000/- + treatment, therapies and medicated diet charges - 3,000/-
300/- Double-Bed, Sofaset-1, AC-1, Almirah-1, Chair-1, ceiling Fan, Attached Western Toilet, Geyser, Bath Towel, Electric Kettle, Umbrella-2, Reading Books-11 (only for reading).
Tapasvi Cottage Room Charges - 1,500/- + treatment, therapies and medicated diet charges - 4,500/- 300/- Double-Bed, Almirah-1, Roof Fan, Cooler, Attached Western Toilet, Geyser, Bath Towel, Electric Kettle, Umbrella-2, Reading Books - 11 (only for reading).
Nisarg Cottage Room Charges - 1,500/- + treatment, therapies and medicated diet charges - 4,500/- 300/- Double-Bed, Almirah-1, AC-1, 2-Chairs, 1-Table, Attached Western Toilet, Geyser, Bath Towel, Electric Kettle, Umbrella-2, Reading Books - 11 (only for reading).
Minimum 7 - days booking should be there
Services included are:-  Accommodation, All Meals / All types of therapy selected by the doctor have been included.
NOTE:- 1. Treatment Kit charges, Blood Test charges, & Medicine charges extra payable as per doctor's prescription.
2. Colon, Vibro Massage, RHM, Ozone, Liver & Gall-Bladder Cleansing, Coffee Anaema, Papaya Face Pack, Kesh Kanti Lep charge extra payable as per doctor's prescription.
Room charges has been changed in YOGGRAM, this increased charge will be applicable from 1st April' 2025.

8. i) Patient have to described every thing about his disease, at the time of consultation if doctor find any chronic illness which is not described by the patient at the time of registration the attending doctor can send him back patient will be fully responsible for this.

ii) For the 3rd-PERSON  (5-years or above) as a Health Seeker (Online registration should be already) in the RAJRISHI & MUNIRAJ Cottage is Rs. 4,000/- per day and MAHARISHI, TAPASVI, NISARG Cottage is Rs. 3,000/- per day on arrival and Panchkarma-Treatment is included in this.

iii) On above 1-month booking, there is 10% discount.

9. Discount for Jila - 5%, Patanjali Life Members - 25%, Rajya Karyakarni - 15%, Sah- Rajya Prabhari - 20%, Rajya Prabhari - 25%, Patron Members - 50% (Maximum Person - 2, Period - 1 Week per annum), Founder Members - 100% (Maximum Person - 2, Period - 1 Week per annum), Corporate Members - 100% (Maximum Person - 4, Period - 1 Week per annum), Group Booking (Minimum-25 Members @ 10% each member and Maximum-50 Members @ 20% each member).


  • Membership can be availed only once in a year. Year means that the benefit of membership can be taken again only after one year from the date of taking health benefits in Yoggram.
  • Members dependent (Mother, Father, Son (25 Year/Unmarried), Daughter (25 Year/Unmarried), Brothers (25 Year/Unmarried).

10. Postponement & Cancellation-

Postponement Norms

  • If the health seeker seeks a postponement, the changed schedule desired should be sent via E mail to registration department, so as to reach 5 days before the scheduled date of arrival. Telephonic information will not be valid.
  • Only two revisions are permitted subject to availability of accommodation. For each revision a charge of 10% of the deposited amount will have to be paid.
  • If the health seeker does not present himself/herself on the revised schedule date the deposited amount shall get forfeited.
  • NOTE:- Any fluctuation in the revised rates would be applicable on arrival.
  • Cancellation Norms

  • No money, in any form, will be refunded to a health seeker leaving the treatment before booking-days.
  • In case the registration is cancelled the following norms would apply:-
  • 15 days prior to the scheduled date, there shall be a deduction of 50%.
  • Cancellation within 15 days of scheduled date of booking , there shall be a deduction of 100%.
  • No refunds are permissible if instead of two health seekers one health seeker is arriving.
  • In case of cancellation we will not refund any amount, if any health seeker do not come on his/her SCHEDULE-DATE.

11. Special Instructions-

  • Children will not be allowed to accompany the health seeker. if you come with Children, will not be admit the health seeker.
  • If the child is a health seeker and is above 5-years; then he can be considered for treatment.
  • If health seekers condition is not fit for treatment on arrival, final decision regarding admission & treatment will be taken by CMI.
  • Two people may include 2 health seekers or one health seeker and one attendant.
  • Prior registration should be done for two health seekers. If second health seekers registration is not done before and if after coming in Yoggram he want to take treatment then he have to pay extra charges.
  • Health seeker coming in OPD and wanting to consult the doctor may do so on payment of Rs. 500/- as a Consultation-Charges.
  • ATTENDANT - Charges @ 1,000/- per day per child (Age 05 to 15 Years) and for 2 children Rs. 1,500/- per day.
  • 3rd person as a ATTENDANT for any COTTAGE - Charges @ 1,500/- per day.
  • Health seekers will not reach YOG GRAM earlier than the booking day.
  • Check in time on the scheduled day of arrival is - 8:00 AM TO 2:00 PM. This time will be utilized for orientation and consultation with doctors. Room would be provided on the arrival date after 2:00 P.M.
  • Treatment would commence on the subsequent day wef 4:30 AM. The health seekers will be discharged on the Check-Out day at 12:00 PM. For daily routine follow the website. Changed routine will be displayed on website.
  • The health seekers will be discharged on the Check-Out day at 12:00 PM. If they want to stay over night and he/she wants food facility; then, they've to pay Rs. 2,000/- for each room subject to room-availability and must leave Yog Gram next day by 7:30 AM.
  • Health seekers reaching later than 8:00 PM on the scheduled day; shall be able to meet the doctor on the subsequent day at 8:00 AM, and the treatment shall commence by 11:00 AM only (Approx.).
  • For health seekers reaching Yog Gram without advance registration, registration will only be done subject to availability of accommodation and on acceptance by the CMI (Chief Medical Incharge).
  • Eatables are not allowed in Yoggram from outside by the health seeker.
  • The patients are advised to read and follow the norms at Yoggram religiously.


During menstrual cycle please don't make any booking at YogGram, which will not provide you appropriate benefit through treatment during your menstrual periods.

Female with other menstrual disorders is requested to take appropriate treatment to regularize their menstrual cycle and then they can make booking at YogGram for further treatment in order to gain better relief after treatment.

12. Administrative Office Address

Yog Naturopathy Panchkarma Treatment & Research Centre (Yog Gram)

Village- Aurangabad, Near-SIDCUL, Roshnabad, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India - 249402

Email- onlineyoggram@divyayoga.com; yoggram@patanjaliyoggram.com

Website- www.yoggram.divyayoga.com

Mobile Number- +91 8954666222

(Morning: 06:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M.)

13. Corporate Office Address,
Patanjali Yogpeeth
Maharishi-Haridwar, National Highway-58
Near Bahadrabad,
Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India
Pin Code-249405
Email-onlineyoggram@divyayoga.com; yoggram@patanjaliyoggram.com
Website- www.yoggram.divyayoga.com
Mobile Number:- +91 8954666222
(Morning: 06:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M.)